Girls on the Grid- Tips for Running in the Dark

I think I’ve mentioned before that I’m writing for a local website called Girls on the Grid. Although I do write about running from time to time, it’s not the only thing I write. This week I wrote some tips for running in the dark– you can find my article here: and check out my super cool tips and even read my mom’s comment on it.

Speaking of the dark, I am so ready for spring. I am so tired of running in the dark, being cold and the icky fog. I know I don’t have real winter compared to a lot of you, but I like it warm. 90 degrees is my very favorite temp. Not for running, but in life. Plus, the daffodils I planted in my front yard are starting to bloom which is making me even itchier for spring. Get here!

Transitioning back to running everyday is going well. I still feel better and stronger every morning and did TWO speed sessions this week! Coach had me do 2 miles warm up, 3 at tempo pace, 2 cool down and I was pleasantly surprised by my pace during the tempo session (7:42 average). I’m a little sore today but not in a, “this is worrisome” kind of way, just in a “hey, we’ve been working out!” kind of way. And, I’m even going to try an 11-miler tomorrow. WHOA!

I’m also back on the bandwagon for core strength. Some of you have asked what I do to keep the core strong so I’m putting my routine below:

3x 70 seconds forearm plank with 20 seconds rest between planks
3×12 slow bicycle crunches (slow is more effective)
3×15 crunches
3×10 donkey kicks (check out the Chic Runner for photos and description of how to do this)
3×30 secs side planks with 10 secs of rest between. I hate these but they work.

I do this 2-3 times per week and it really works. It only takes about 10 minutes and really helps the core hold everything in place. And as you know, a strong core is key to running faster and saying injury free.

Alright, this is going nowhere fast so… have a great Friday!

3 responses to “Girls on the Grid- Tips for Running in the Dark

  1. Yay for getting back out there! And great speed work! Happy Friday and good luck on the 11 miler 🙂

  2. THANK YOU for your routine. I KNOW I should be doing core work but don’t quite know where to start. And now I do. I’ve just googled the bicycle crunches and am about to head over to Chicrunner. Thank you. 10 minutes is doable. I’ll let you know how I get on.

  3. I love core work, and it totally helps in running 🙂
    I was just thinking yesterday wbout how I’m scared to run in the dark! Thanks for the article.

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